Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Awakening Of The Stars

   With hundreds more waiting for their stardom.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Bee's Delight

     Collecting pollen, to take home to their queen.

Sunshine Through My Petals

   Feeling the warmth of the sun on her petals.

Delightfuly Red Dahlia

  I love the the vividness of this beautiful red flower, and the
  way the petals are gently awakening to put on a show.

Ya Wanna Play Ball Pal?

     These two dogs were having a great time playing and frolicking
     around together on the beach.


    A little faster please! I want to run and play!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bucket of Dum Dums

    The photo, explains the title!

Mossy logs, in Sahalie Falls

     The crystal blue waters of Sahalie Falls,
     gushes right through these mossy fallen

Sahalie Falls

     Here you can see the clean, crisp and cold,
     crystal blue waters from the falls

Sahalie Falls

    The water gushing down the stream, from the waterfall,
    is crystal blue in color. It looks so very refreshing.

Sahalie Falls

     Sahalie falls, comes crashing down to it's
     mossy surroundings. Then if you walk the
     path beside the falls continious powerful
     stream, there is plenty of beauty for the
     eyes to behold. You wouldn't want to
     forget your camera.

Scene By A Woman Photography: The Lone Nasturtium

Scene By A Woman Photography: The Lone Nasturtium

The Lone Nasturtium

     As you can surely see, I edited this photo,
     just for something fun to do.

Evening Primrose

     The Evening Primrose, opens only in the evening.
     Then during the next day, they die off. Then they
     start all over again. They are a very bright and
     cheerie yellow.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


     An EMX bus taking a turn onto Willamette Street, In Eugene, Oregon.

Looking Down The Street

     Come and take a stroll, down the streets of the beautiful Downtown
     Eugene Mall.

Music On The Mall

      It was a nice day to listen to music, on the Downtown Eugene Mall.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Bit Of Sunshine

    A bit of sunshine, in the night.

Liechen Up

    It is climbing to the top.

A Golden Vase

   Made by the ocean.

Little Cove on the Beach

    Smooth rounded rocks an muscels reside here.

The Visitors

       Little sea snails, dropping by to visit
     Mr. Shell.

Sea Star Of Pink

     God made Sea Stars in many colors.

Nature made Ocean Monument

       Oh, the Awsome things God made for us to see,
       on our oceans.

Who Is This?

      Who's head is this, in the sky? I love looking
      for shapes in the clouds to photograph. Look
      like anyone that you know?

Eugene City Scape

           I took this photo from on top of Skinners Butte Hill,
           looking down.

Beach Abstraction

       This photo was naturaly shot on a beach, On the Oregon Coastline.

What's This Bug?

      I came across this bug in the Secret Garden, at Belnap Springs,
      up the Mckenzie, a little past Blue River, Oregon.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Beg Your Pardon

     You don't happen to be following me, are you?

Is Your Mama A LLama

        I can Seee Youuu in there!

Three Rivers Casino Hallway

                   I took this photo at about 3:00 AM, when the hallways were quite.

Pansy of Pretty Purple

            The purple of this pansy, makes me
            feel joyous inside!

Beach Treasures

These are some of the little treasures, that my partner and I found,
on the beach, while searching for agates and shells.

Meet Diamond

       Diamond belongs to my son, and his little family.
       She is beautiful, and sooo very soft.

A Beautiful Display

         This was one of the displays from the Lane County Fair,
         last year, in one of the exhibits.

Two Asleep

     Shhh! Two of our friends are still sleeping!

The Hypnotist

       Now watch the swirls go round and round.
       You are getting sleepy, verry sleeepy.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Duck Bill

      I took this photo from directly above this ducks head.
      I was standing on a crosswalk bridge, right above him.

Blue River Reservior

Wow! the river is really low!

Hush Puppy

       I met this little guy in Lincoln City, Oregon, at the beach.
      This nice lady allowed me to take a photo of him. Isn't
      he cute?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trying to Escape

I took this photo at Finleys Wildlife Refuge.
It looks, as if, this tree is trying to move away
from an overcrouded area.

Green Goddess

               I snapped this shot at Finleys Wildlife refuge, between
              Monroe and Corvallis, Oregon. Such a pretty
              shade of green.

Finley's and yellow finches

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Mckenzie River

     I took this photo somewhere between Cougar
     Reservoir and Oakridge, Oregon.

Above The Clouds

      I took this photo way up high, somewhere in the
     Coburg Hills.

A Hidden Waterfall

      I took this photo, up in the mountains, up past
      Shotgun Creek, Out of Marcola, Oregon.