Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Flooded Field

I took this photo at Finley's Wildlife Refuge, A little ways north of Monroe,
Oregon. It was raining a lot on this day, but we had fun anyway.

Autumn Time

I don't remember where it was that I took this photo.
I do know that I like the details in the photo. Like the
reflections, and the fallen leaves.

The Roots Beneath

I took this unusual looking photo, up near the Cougar Reservoir.

Mud Flats and Tree Stumps

This photo was taken at a very low, Blue River Reservoir.

A Lone Madrone

This photo was taken at the Cougar Reservoir, Up past
Blue river, Oregon.

Waddeling Through The Flowers

These wildflowers are just about as tall as these pretty little ducks.

Somewhere In Eugene

I took this photo, from the top of Skinners butte Hill.

Spring delight

Daffodils are truely one of the first signs, that Spring is right around the