Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Bit Of Sunshine

    A bit of sunshine, in the night.

Liechen Up

    It is climbing to the top.

A Golden Vase

   Made by the ocean.

Little Cove on the Beach

    Smooth rounded rocks an muscels reside here.

The Visitors

       Little sea snails, dropping by to visit
     Mr. Shell.

Sea Star Of Pink

     God made Sea Stars in many colors.

Nature made Ocean Monument

       Oh, the Awsome things God made for us to see,
       on our oceans.

Who Is This?

      Who's head is this, in the sky? I love looking
      for shapes in the clouds to photograph. Look
      like anyone that you know?

Eugene City Scape

           I took this photo from on top of Skinners Butte Hill,
           looking down.

Beach Abstraction

       This photo was naturaly shot on a beach, On the Oregon Coastline.

What's This Bug?

      I came across this bug in the Secret Garden, at Belnap Springs,
      up the Mckenzie, a little past Blue River, Oregon.