Saturday, July 3, 2010

Water Play

There are some Geat parks around the Eugene area, that have some great
water play features for the kids. Oh, and you can't leave out all the adults who
are big kids at heart. We like to play too!

Awhhh! Nice and Cool

Cooling off on a hot day.

Indian Runners

Indian Runners, walking erect.

Indian Runners

My partner and I, took a drive on a rainy day, to Finleys Wildlife Refuge.
It is a little north of Monroe, on HWY 99. This is a great place to go to take
photos. You never know exactly what kind of wildlife or scene, that you might
run into.
These birds, I've only seen once going there. I have been there several times.
They were just swimming in the flooded field water, right next to the gravel
road that we were driving down.
Another car, that was driving towards us stopped, right next to ours. They
told us said that they are called Indian Runners, and that when they walk or run,
they stand erect, and that they are fast. Well,they were very right.
I had to keep up with them, to get photos. They are quit interesting and amusing

The Mossy Iron Door

I wonder what might be behind this old, mossy iron door, on this old brick
wall? Does anyone have any ideas??? Do tell!

Scarlet Red

From the drooping flower bud, to the beautiful flower, to natures artisticaly
designed seedpod. The poppy has an interesting life cycle. The vividness
of this red poppy, always draws me in. Wow!

Of Poppies and Lupins

Such a Heavenly garden.

Reaching For The Sun

The title tells all!

Daffodils in the Sky

I was experimenting with my camera, taking photos of my daffodils,
this past spring. This is the outcome of one of them . I have had many
great comments on this one, on

Spring Tulips

A beautiful bunch of colorful tulips.

Hey! You're Getting My Wings Wet!

Hey! you're slashing around is getting my beautiful wings wet! Go splash
around somewhere else!

Ocean Treasures

Some treasures from the ocean, resting on a driftwood log.

Mom and Me on the Beach

Mom, can we build a sand castle?

Kite Festival

Lincoln City is know for it's yearly Kite Festival on the beach. There are some pretty amazing kites to see. All different shapes, colors and sizes. Something for everybody.