Friday, July 2, 2010

Wind Sailing

Wheeee! Let the wind take us away!

Urchins and Barnicals

These Sea Urchins seem to be enjoying the sunshine.

Unusual Driftwood

This driftwood tree is at Bobs Creek. Kind of an unusual shape,
don't you think?

Incoming Tide

When we first got here, the tide was way out. Far enough, as to be able
to walk out to the end of this rock hill. On the other side of those big boulders,
is a big hidden cave area.

The Devils Churn

This photo, I took from the top of Cape Perpetua, looking down to the Devils Churn.

Strolling the Beach

It was a nice Memorial Day on the beach this year. A lot of people visited
the ocean beaches, and there were many boats out on the water. Look! Can you see the one over past the rocks?

Bobs Beach 2

A beautiful beach, with plenty of tide pools.
Ooh! there is also a hidden cave!

Bobs Beach

Bobs Beach, on the Oregon coast, is a great place to go to see tide poos, with
Sea Urchins, Sea Stars and many other kinds of sea life. My partner and I
like going there for Agate Hunting. This is a fun beach to visit.

Sand Art on the Beach

I think it's amazing how the power of our oceans and the weather, can pull together such beautiful peices of artwork on our beaches.

Newport Bridge

The Newport bridge is big and beautiful. While visiting
there, I could not resist stopping to take a few photos.

Here is our other boy, "Slurpy".

I adopted Slurpy from Greenhill Humane Society, in Eugene, Oregon, a few years
ago for my youngest son's birthday.While there at the cattery, I held him. While holding him, he kept pressing his head against me. It was then that I knew, he was the one coming home with me. He has lots of love to give. He also can have a real stinker side to him. He, at that time had an upper respitory infection. Because of this, he made sounds, like he was slurping. So, needless
to say, this is how he came to be named Slurpy. He is the leader of our three cats.

This is our boy "Hunter"

Hunter is like a brother to our little girl Hope. The two of them will lay together,
and wash each other. They are an adorable little pair. Hunter is so soft and
flexible when you pick him up, that he feels like a rag doll. Because of this, we call him "Squishy", or "Squishy Cat"..

Her name is "Hope"

She is on of our three cats. She is full grown, but is the size of a half grown cat. Notice the bugs wing sticking out of her mouth. She has a very quite, and high pitched meow. She is such a little sweetheart.

Pretty Pink Roses in a Bunch

You may think that these are Peonies, but , they aren't. They are roses. They sure look like peonies though! What do you think?