Saturday, July 10, 2010

I heart FeedBurner

Lane County Fair Collage

    This collage includes some of the many photos that I took at the
    Lane County fait, in Eugene, Oregon.

Floral Collage # 4

    This one even has an interesting stone in it.

Collage # 3

    Flower collages are like a burst of color sensation.

Floral Collage #2

     Collages are pretty fun to make.

Floral Collage #1

     I put some floral collages together with some of my flower photos.

At The McDonald Movie Theater

     I took this photo at the McDonald Movie Theater, last summer at the
     Eugene Downtown mall.

How Much Is That Blue Wig In The Window?

    How can she see anything, with all that hair in her eyes?
    She almost looks like Cousin It, from the Adams Family,
    don't you think?

Eugene Transit Station

    Going to Springfield? Hop onto this bus. Hurry! before it leaves you behind!

Eugene Downtown mall - 2

Same shot as before, but a little ways before the sign this time.

Eugene Downtown Mall

     I took this shot, last summer, at the Eugene Downtown Mall. I like the
    sign. They should have a whole lot more of that going on! And, all of the

Crook Neck Squash Blossom

    Here is a photo of a blossom from our Crook Neck Squash plant, covered
    with water dropplets. If you look closely, you can see little hairs on it.

Well, Hello Out There!

Our little cat Hope, exploring. And look what she found! YOU!